

訪問﹠翻譯 by 吉兒


Aurea是我剛接觸親子攝影時,在攝影師Rachel Devine的第一個網上課程認識的。


第一次看到她的照片就深深被吸引,因為他的兒子好帥好可愛!!噗~ XDDD





五月人物專訪,誠摰的介紹給大家﹣Aurea Gavant


LPM: 請跟我們介紹一下你自己和你所居住的城市。

Aurea: 我住在布宜諾斯艾利斯,阿根延。是個34歲的全職媽媽,妻子和生意人。




LPM: 請跟我們介紹一下你可愛的兒子Lauta。

Aurea: Lauta 七月就要滿三歲了,我實在不明白時間怎麼這麼快就過去了。





LPM: 你何時開始拍照的?

Aurea: 我一直都很喜歡拍照。






LPM: 請問你使用的相機和鏡頭?最常用的鏡頭是哪一個呢?為什麼?

Aurea: 我的相機袋裡:
. Canon 5D Mark II
. 24-70mm f/2.8
. 50 mm f/1.8

. 85 mm f/1.8
. 35 mm f/1.8
. speedlight

24-70mm 的鏡頭是我最常用的,因為它能用的最廣泛,幾乎所有的場合都能使用。非常精準,對焦也非常的快。

50mm 是經典,拍人像非常適合,能得到很好的景深。除此之外,它也非常的輕。這是我出門想簡便時會帶的鏡頭。

LPM: 你後製照片嗎?使用的後製軟體是?

Aurea: 我後製“全部”我拍的照片。我拍RAW檔,然後用ACR和Photoshop CS4軟體後製。



LPM: 你拍Lauta的第一張照片是?

Aurea: 第一張照片,是我在醫院用我的隨身機拍的。不是能秀給全世界看的好看照片,但對我卻意義重大。

LPM: 很多Lauta的照片,他都會看著鏡頭微笑,你是如何引導他讓你拍攝呢? 他會討厭常常有相機對著他嗎?

Aurea: 我想每個小孩都會討厭有人一直拿著相機對著他。找到平衡是重要的,我們也不想要小孩討厭相機。










LPM: 你的照片總是清新又明亮,我們好喜歡。可以和我們分享,如何編輯出像這樣的風格嗎?

Aurea: 我通常都是拍手動設定模式,所以會先把曝光和白平衡都設定好。


在Photoshop,我的秘訣是把白調的更白(用曲線, 色階和色彩平衡)。然後,用銳利功能再縮圖。


LPM: 你有特別喜歡什麼時間拍照嗎?還是都先拍了再後製?

Aurea: 我都趁著有平均光源的時間拍照。但也不是都一定那時候才拍。我也喜歡拍逆光,眩光,影子。


LPM: 一天大概的活動內容是?最享受和Lauta的時光是? 

Aurea: 我享受每一天起床,幫他穿衣服,送他去上學,和他相處的每一刻。


LPM: 除了Lauta,還喜歡拍攝什麼主題呢?

Aurea: 我喜愛拍攝人物。我甚至發現我拍的照片,若沒有人在裡面,我不會太在意那些照片。


LPM: 你出門相機都會隨身帶著嗎?

Aurea: 不會耶,但我想我應該要,那樣我確定我就會拍更多照片了。

LPM: 你都從哪裡得到靈感的?有特別影響你很深的攝影師嗎?

Aurea: 我都從flickr和Pinterest得到靈感。

Sheye Rosemeyer
Tara Whitney 
Peta Mazey 
Rachel Devine
Barb Uil 
... And much more...



LPM: 當初如何想到要有計劃的每個月拍張Lauta的照片?是如何讓他在每張照片裡都是微笑的?

Aurea: 當他滿一個月時,我拍了第一張,但並沒有想到這個project的念頭。




LPM: 經常看到你和Lauta的合照,是自拍還是丈夫拍的?

Aurea: 我會把相機的設定都調好,放在我想要的位置,然後請我先生幫我們拍。


LPM: 我們好喜歡你的房子和室內裝潢,是你自己擺設的嗎?

Aurea: 是的,謝謝! 室內設計是我的第二個興趣。我喜愛白色,乾淨和光亮的空間。


LPM: flickr和攝影影帶給你生活的改變有什麼?

Aurea: 攝影為我開啟了一扇門,給了我一個新的方式去看這個世界。



LPM: 有計劃朝成為專業的攝影師嗎?

Aurea: 我希望啊! 這是我的一個夢想,但我實在太忙碌了。我目前沒有時間,但希望在未來能實現。

LPM: 請選三張你喜愛的照片,然後告訴我們為什麼。

Aurea: 幾乎是不可能只選三張我喜愛的照片,我天天都改變我的心意。:)

Photo #1: 我喜歡這張,因為這是他今天的臉,我愛他誠實的臉。

我最愛的原因是這真的是他早上起來的樣子,亂髮,睡眼惺忪的眼,天啊! 我真的好愛他這個樣子!

Photo #2:這是他好動的樣子,這是每天在家裡的情況。我總是想要捕捉到他在做他喜愛做的事,或他最近又學了什麼。




Photo #3:還有,我喜歡捕捉到:他的情感

LPM: 可以請你和我們LPM的馬麻/把拔們分享一些拍攝小孩的技巧嗎?

Aurea: 拍照的人和被拍的人都要享受拍照的樂趣! 當小孩不想被拍時,就等到下次再拍。





>LPM: 覺得攝影是_________。

Aurea: 我的情人。


更多Aurea Gavant的照片在:


Interview in English

LPM: Please tell us a few things about yourself and the city you live in.

Aurea: I am a 34 years old full-time mother, wife and businesswoman living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

My life is a rush and I always feel I can´t get everything done,

until the day ends and I realize that I indeed got everything done.

I enjoy simple things, and usually small details are what make me happy,

but there are three things that make me smile: traveling, chocolate and photography.


LPM: Please tell us a few things about your son, Lauta.

Aurea: Lauta´s going to turn three in July, and I still don´t understand where did all that time go.

He is very intelligent, he loves his (ehem.... “my”) iPad. He knows how to play, switch games and even win.

He is very sweet and gives us tons of kisses and hugs.

He loves nature and he enjoys very much being with friends and family.

He prefers pasta to vegetables, and milk to pasta. He loves cars. Oh yes, he does...

And I love him to pieces.


LPM: When did you start taking pictures?

Aurea: I´ve always loved to take pictures, since young I appreciated to keep memories 

not only of special occasions as birthdays, but of the daily life, our real life,

those moments in which we are really ourselves. 

When Lauta was born,  a professional photographer shot a mini session for him

and the result was so amazing for me, and the photos were so (SO!) different

than the ones I could shoot with my point and shoot,

that I thought I should get a dsrl and start my own way.

LPM: What camera and lenses do you use? Which lens is your favorite, and why?

Aurea: In my camera bag: 

• Canon 5d Mark II

• 24-70mm f/2.8

• 50mm f/1.8


• 85mm f/1.8

• 35mm f/1.8

• speedlight

The 24-70mm is perhaps more time in my camera because it´s more versatile and it can adapt to almost any situation. 

It is always sharp and very quick to focus.

The 50mm is a classic, excellent for portraits and I can get a great depth of field with it.

Besides, it is much more light and thick. It is my choice when I want to be comfortable.

LPM: Do you edit all of your photos? and what software do you use?

Aurea: I edit ALL of my photos, I shoot RAW and edit with ACR and Photoshop CS4. 

I strongly recommend to anybody who wants to get into the digital photography world, to learn Photoshop. 

A good photo can turn to excellent with Photoshop, although a bad photo can´t be saved. 


LPM: What was the first photograph that you did of Lauta?

Aurea: The first one was shot at the hospital, with my point and shot camera.

Not a good one to show to the world, but for sure it means a lot to me.


LPM: In many photos of Lauta, he looks at the camera and smiles.

How did you make him do that?
Does he get sick of having a camera in his face all of the time? :) 

Aurea: I guess every child will hate the camera if it is chasing him all the time.

It´s good to find a good balance, no one wants the kid to hate it. 

There are two kinds of kids photographs for me: The “perfect” portrait, and the candids.

When I try to get perfect portraits, the one you want to frame and show at your fireplace, 

I try to get eye contact by attracting his interest at me.

Maybe by playing peek-a-boo, 
or running close to him and then running back.

I NEVER ask him to smile, because I would get a fake one. 

I think theta in photography, the objective is to get a genuine reflection of what the subject is. 

So I try to get his feeling through his look. If he is happy, I´ll get his happiness. 

If he´s angry, then I will get an agry face. If he is bored, then I´ll get a boring face. 

But I´m sure it is what he is in that precise moment. Is it there anything better than that?

On the other hand, if I want to get “candids”, then I usually lay on the floor to his level 

and just frame what I will want to keep forever from him.

Just little silent moments, how he looks at his toy, how he sleeps, his long eyelashes, 
or the moment right before he kisses daddy.

Those simple moments are really “him” at action. 
No poses. Just him. I´m just loving this kind of photos lately. 


LPM: Your photos are always very clean and full of light, we really love the style.

Could you share with us how you edit the photos?

Aurea: I usually shoot in manual, so I try to get a SOOC nailed in exposure and white balance. 

I shoot RAW so I have more possibilities to do corrections in ACR.

In Photoshop, my secret is to make the whites look really white (levels, curves and color balance). 
Then I sharpen and resize. 


LPM: Do you tend to shoot more during a certain time of a day, 

or do you shoot whenever and edit things later on?

Aurea: I try to shoot whenever there is even light. But I am not too hard in that sense.

I actually love backlighting, flare and sugestive shadows.

It is mostly about thinking you are doing art, not graphic design. 

Most of my favorite shots are not technically perfect, but they transmit many feelings.


LPM: What is a typical day like for you? and what's the most fun thing you enjoy doing with him?

Aurea: I enjoy the everyday: getting up, dressing him up for kinder, and the everyday life together.

Our favorite part of the day is the going-to-bed routine. It is a special moment just for the two of us.


LPM: Beside Lauta, do you have other subjects you enjoy taking pictures of?

Aurea: I love shooting people. 

I actually find it difficult to appreciate my photos when there are no people in them. 

And I love shooting babies and kids mot of all, and their spontaneous relationships with their fathers and siblings.

LPM: Do you have your camera with you wherever you go? 

Aurea: Not actually, but I think I should! I´m sure I´d shoot more.


LPM: Where do you get your inspiration? and are there particular photographers whose work inspires you?

Aurea: I get inspiration in Flickr and Pinterest. Some of the photographers I admire are:

Sheye Rosemeyer
Tara Whitney
Peta Mazey
Rachel devine
Barb Uil
... And much more...


LPM: How did you get the idea to take a picture of Lauta each month in the same setting?

and how did you make him to hold the sign and smile in each photo? (we're amazed!!)

Aurea: Well, when he turned 1 month I took the first one, but without the idea of the project. 

When he turned 2 months, it was when the idea came to me.

It has been a project throughout 2 years, and I know I will cherish this forever. 

Asking how I made him smile in each one? You should see the backstage!

I shot about 100 photos to get the correct one each month! But it was always fun for us.


LPM: I often see the photos of you and Lauta. 

Did you take these with a timer or have someone else, like your husband, take them for you?

Aurea: I put all the camera settings in the right place, and ask my husband just to shoot. 

It is very important for me to be in the frame sometimes, I usually find myself behind the camera.

LPM: We LOVE your house and interiors. Do you decorate your house yourself?

Aurea: Yes, thank you! That´s my passion #2: interiors...

I love white, clean and luminous spaces. 
I usually buy vintage furniture and recycle it to my taste.

LPM: How did flickr and photography change your life?

 Aurea: Photography opened a new dimension for me, and a new way of seeing the world. 

Now I can see light and shadows everywhere, and I can find beauty in small things. 

I can stay up late at night reading blogs of photographers I admire, and seeking inspiration.


LPM: Are you planning to become a professional photographer?

 Aurea: I´d acually love to, it´s a dream for me, but I am so busy... 

 I don´t have available time for now. It is a project for the future.

LPM: Please pick three favorite photos and tell us why they are your favorite.

 Aurea: It´s quite impossible for me to pick 3 favorites, as I change my mind every day :)

So I´ll pick 3 of the last photos:


Photo #1: I love this because this is his face today. I love his honest look. 

And what I mostly love is that this is really him in the morning: bed hair and newly awakened eyes. 

God, I love him as he is.

Photo #2: This is him in action. It is an everyday scene at home. 

I always want to have a portrait that expresses what he loves to do, or what he has learned lately. 

I'm sure I'll smile every time I´ll see this picture in a few years when Lauta has grown up. 


Photo #3: And I love to capture in my photos what you do not see: his feelings.

LPM: Could you share some tips for taking pictures of kids with our mom/dad readers?

 Aurea: Have fun while you shoot. Both  photographer and subject. 

If the kid doesn´t want to have a session, then wait for another moment.

Try to prepare the scene before you start shooting. 

A clean and tidy background makes great difference.

Try different angles, shoot from bellow your subject, from above, lay on the floor. 

You will get more original pictures.

Shoot what the kid is doing: not only the face. 

Try making close  ups to hi hand, toes, etc...

Be respectful to your style.

LPM: please fill in the blank. Photography for you is__________.

 Aurea: My lover.


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